Finished, a pair of mitts and a felted bag.
First up the mitts:
Yarn: Crystal Palace Fjord and Crystal Palace Kid Merino
Knitted by: Kelsey, but I did the seaming. She knit these awhile ago, probably during some knitting camp at Yarndogs, but she never got around to seaming. Now that they're done, she can wear them with her new hat!
It's a great beginner project. Knit flat, 2x2 rib, and then you use the ends to seam.
Another project that I finished up for Kelsey is her felted bag. This was a kit from
Continental Stitch, they're always at Stitches West with the coolest kits. This one came with 4 balls of Jarbo Lovikka and metal rings for the handles plus a really easy pattern. I helped Kelsey start this then she abandoned it for other pursuits. I finished up the knitting, attached the rings and tied it up before felting.
I wasn't sure about the metal rings in the washing machine so I tucked them into the bag and tied it shut. I dropped the whole thing in a mesh laundry bag and washed it with a bunch of towels. It didn't felt. I have one of those top-loading, low agitation, low water washers and I'd felted things in it before. Then I remembered that everything I had felted went through the dryer too. So I popped it in with the towels and voila! I guess technically it's fulled, not felted.
So what is my daughter pursuing that's so important she has no time (or desire) to knit?
Yup, she's my ballerina and she's already using the bag.
(I still have to do her PJ pants...I have the weekend, check back on Monday).
Good for getting them done and put them to use, great color theme too even tho it's not pink.
That is a fabulous bag ... I must follow the link and check it out!
Love the mitts and the bag.
They are both a beautiful color.
I like the metal handles you have on the bag too.
I love that your daughter is using the bag!!
Love the mitts, they're a great color. Felted bags are great for just about any job you can think of...looks like yours is doing an important job already. Have a great week!
Tooke me long enough - a Finer Friday contribution!
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