Y'know, it's not hard to work around the rules here. As long as I'm getting gifts -- birthday, mother's day, pity party (left my job), celebrations (found a new one) -- there are many opportunites to shop, not to mention the sock yarn. So since that night at guild I've purchased the following: 3 balls of feza fiona -- which I cannot even recall (scary huh, this is a true sign of a very big problem) from Continental Stitch, 1 ball feza dazzle also from CS -- wonder if this goes with the other feza?; 1 sk kollage enchanted, 1 sk collinette isis from Yarndogs (odd, that's all?); 2 sks gems merino SOCK yarn from Purlescence; and a gaggle of sks 6? 9? 13? of more SOCK yarn from Knit Picks -- it's the 70/30 merino silk solids they have now...which I got in order to do these.
Sorry for the lack of posts last month -- I was busy with one thing or another...so busy that my blog'iversary just blew buy, I mean by. Yeah, okay so I'm a big fan of retail therapy. Anyways, the blog is 2 years old and this year I've knit 3 pairs of socks, a jacket, a shawl and a vest and another hat for Elana. Remember Elana? She was going thru chemo last year for bone cancer -- who's now got a clean bill of health -- what a trooper that girl (and she loved that last hat).
I'm knitting...I'm just not finishing lately -- I don't even know what's on the sidebar -- hmm...so what have I been busy with? The girls mostly and these:
Clockwise starting with the pink one they are: bazooka, mocha latte, icing, macaroon, toffee, ricotta, jr mintz, werther, bun bun and in the middle, cookie. They are our webkinz and we loves them all.
We mostly play with them online here.
Or we play with them in the real world. They are very hard to find in California. They've been big in the east coast for awhile, and anytime anyone gets a shipment around here they disappear. We're still looking for a horse, a cow and the black and white cat (who comes with an online yarn sofa complete with knitting needles -- guess who wants that?).