I picked up the manos and the free pattern during the yarn hop. It's now a hat for my hubby -- our new dog, Elsa, ate the last one. Well, at least now we know that she likes wool -- no laying handknits around -- or balls of yarn, for that matter. And yes, that would be me in the picture -- glamour shot taken a very long, long time ago. Stash Reduction: 1 sk

Here's my Clapotis! This is a lot of fun. I started out using markers but removed them (purling the dropped stitch on the stockinette side, instead) to make this more portable. Yarn is Cherry Tree Hill wool/silk in one of their "potluck" colorways. Twice a year Cherry Tree has this big sale, one on Labor Day and one on New Year's Eve. Projected Stash Reduction: 4 sks

Finally, I finished a One Skein Wonder for K. She had a formal dance to go to and a summer dress that she wanted to wear so we had to "winterize" it just a bit. I finished this in 2 evenings and 1 lunch hr. Started it on a Wednesday eve to be worn that Friday eve! Stash Reduction: 0 sk, sadly this yarn wasn't in my stash...it was in K's!