Happy Fiber Arts Friday folks! I have for you and everyone at FO Friday my Trapeze!
Yarn: Pagewood Farms Aleska in River Rock, 2 sks
Beads: size 8/0 in pearl pink and matte purple
Setting: 4th Thursday knit night for the South Bay Knitters at Green Planet Yarn in San Jose. My Celestarium in progress behind me on the table and blogger Vivian to my left.

Here's the view from the back. Thanks to blogger Carol for taking the snaps!
Unblocked but otherwise finished, this was a Mystery KAL that I joined last summer. It starts with 3 trapezoids knit in the round which are joined with lace beaded triangles and finished with an icord border at the neck edge and a lace beaded ruffly border along the bottom and ends. I didn't have enough yarn so cut my losses and ended the border less 2 rows.
Loved the pattern, very unique which accents the subtle tonal changes in the yarn.