I got a new toy. Introducing Neko Curved DPNS. You only need 3 to knit in the round, 2 to hold the stitches and 1 to knit with. The curve holds the stitches nicely (the needles don't fall out).
They're also easier to hold. These are size 0, and because they're plastic, a little flimsy. The bigger sizes are more rigid. To knit, you slide the stitches to one side of the needle and knit them onto the spare needle.
They're made in Germany and there are a couple places you can get them in the States right now. Deramores US and Etsy. I got mine on Etsy. The sizes are limited, I'm not sure if that's because they're plastic or because they're made in common German sizes. There are videos on youtube as well (in German, but knitting is knitting in any language).
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