Reste. The long weekend is over and I have but one finished object to report. Can't explain why this one took so long -- having been abandoned for one reason or another. It was easy enough and at the same time interesting with it's color changes. I seamed the sides, added the button bands and sewed on the pewter buttons I got at my LYS
The Rug & Yarn Hut. There's nothing quite like trying on an FO for the first time (after most of the "finishing" is done). Sometimes I'm disappointed, sometimes its anti-climatic -- this one however was most satisfying. The sweater is cotton so will be perfect for summer wear.
I did begin the weekend with a shopping spree. It being a holiday weekend there were sales to be had and I could not avoid temptation.
Knitting Arts as always had the best selection of yarns at 40% -- I had to laugh when a woman beside me picked up her cell, called her sister and said, "You have to get here". I bought a kit (another -- but different -- Ironstone kit) and some scarf yarns.
Yarndogs had a very clever 17.76% off sale on ALL their yarns. They had a capelet on display and a salesperson helped me locate the yarns and choose a different colorway. The pattern was complimentary. Finally I visited
Stash in Berkeley, about an hour's drive north of home. They were also having a sale and a trunk show of Loop-D-Loop -- I bypassed all that and found a selection of Wool In the Woods yarn suitable for a top of some sort. When I got home and tried to find a pattern I discovered that I may be short. I called 2 days later thinking I could drive up...they found the yarn and offered to mail it. Isn't it amazing how accomodating yarn shops can be with your money?