Wednesday, June 21, 2017

WiP Wednesday

IMAG2577.jpgI'm on the second sock of a pair that I'm knitting with my bent dpns.  I bent a set of Susan Bates sock needles because I broke one of my size 0 Neko curved dpns (see that post here).  In that post I introduced a set of videos on how to start a pair of socks using bent or curved dpns.  I now have a full set of videos uploaded with playlists for how to knit heels and toes on bent dpns and a special video on actually bending your own set of needles.  I hope you enjoy my videos and find them useful. Meanwhile I'll be finishing up  my socks, the pattern is Rose City Rollers, I used my own heel and the round toe instructions.  You can see details in my Ravelry project.

What are you working on?

Friday, April 14, 2017

Back in the Saddle

IMAG2749.jpgBefore I started knitting I sewed.  Garments, quilts, toys, etc. Sitting in front of my sewing machine was fun.  Then I had kids and sewing for any length of time just wasn't happening.  It's been awhile since I last made anything out of fabric.  A friend showed me a tutorial to make dpn cozies and I thought -- hey I've got stuff for those.  I dug around the stash and found fabric, snaps, dusted off my cutting mat and sewing machine. It took a bit to find everything, like my rotary cutter and the right ruler.  Then I had to get reacquainted with it all.  How did my sewing machine work again?  Will it work?  It did.  And while I had a full range of snaps and a setting tool, I never used it.

While I was making the cozy I saw that it was too small.  It turned out I cut it 1" short.  I had cut enough for two cozies (both short). Remember the rule, measure twice, cut once?  I just cut twice.

The day was half gone and I had nothing to show for it so I flipped the other around and ended up making a cable cozy for my interchangeable needles instead. So all wasn't lost completely and I got to try out the snap setter.  I'll try the cozies again another time, with the right measurements.

Maybe I should stick to knitting.  That's my Fiber Arts Friday.  How was yours?

Friday, March 03, 2017

Another pair of socks on Curved DPNs

I started another pair of socks on curved dpns.  This time they are ones I bent myself.  I got past the heel of the pair I was working on with the Neko size 0s.  Here's how that looked:

And then well, this happened:


So a friend suggested I try bending my own using Susan Bates aluminium dpns and the result:


They work beautifully too!  I'm loving them, not as flexible as the original Neko's but not breakable either!  I've got several youtube videos uploaded on how I started these socks.  More to come.

IMAG2615.jpg  These socks are the Rose City Rolloers available on Ravelry. My knitting spindle tray is from Wool Tree Mill and very handy.  Gotta get my gadgets in one of their tool caddies or a palatte for my mug! And Fiber Arts Friday is back!  Thanks to Kathryn's Brain you can join here!