Wednesday, June 21, 2017

WiP Wednesday

IMAG2577.jpgI'm on the second sock of a pair that I'm knitting with my bent dpns.  I bent a set of Susan Bates sock needles because I broke one of my size 0 Neko curved dpns (see that post here).  In that post I introduced a set of videos on how to start a pair of socks using bent or curved dpns.  I now have a full set of videos uploaded with playlists for how to knit heels and toes on bent dpns and a special video on actually bending your own set of needles.  I hope you enjoy my videos and find them useful. Meanwhile I'll be finishing up  my socks, the pattern is Rose City Rollers, I used my own heel and the round toe instructions.  You can see details in my Ravelry project.

What are you working on?

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