I signed up for a bobbin lace class that's coming up this weekend. I have to have at least 3 pillows ready so I can switch projects easily. I have (pictured here) my "One and Only" (that's what it's called, but it isn't really the only pillow I have) free, and I thought I could order more blocks so I could switch them out for each sample. I do have 2 spare plain cookie pillows, but no covers for them. So I either had to go with the extra blocks, or make covers for my spare cookies. Somehow I thought doing the blocks would be easier. I'd only have to sew felt over them and slip them in cotton covers (which I made last night, which is why I'm blogging now). But it's taking an evening to sew the felt on each block (I started Saturday). I've got 2 done, 2 more to go and I still have to wind bobbins and prepare my prickings.

And you know what I found when I searched for the fabric to make the cotton covers? The 2 covers for my spare cookies, which I barely remember making! Wow, silly me. I only have to prepare a felt layer for these (no sewing) and cover them and I'd be ready for the class! But I'm on a roll so I'll go ahead and finish the other blocks AND get these cookies ready for next time. Maybe I'll get to use one of these cookie pillows for the 2nd day of class.
I haven't had time for much more than this because Sunday was my monthly knitting group and Saturday I spent the day at CNCH up at the Oakland Convention Center. It was a very small convention for weaving, spinning, dyeing and basket making. I managed to buy a new (small) loom, 2 more drop spindles, 3 cute little shuttles, some fiber and books (not pictured).
Well, I've got most of the beads picked out...

(the tube of elastic is to run through the edge of the covers for my cookies -- I don't know how it got in the picture for my earrings!)
Want to join me in the madness? Got a day job funding your hobby? Craft evenings and weekends to get it all done? Bead, knit, or crochet, sew, quilt, spin, felt, weave, lace AND blog? Just how Manic are your Mondays?
Join the party and don't forget to link back to
Button coming...I have it, I just need a moment to shrink it down.